
Elio Importing Ltd. privacy policy explains what personal information is collected through this web site and how the information is used, to whom it's disclosed and how it's safeguarded. We collect 'customer data' directly from you; such as identifying information (name, home address, telephone number, email address, credit card number and order information) and possible descriptive information such as preferences, tastes and or responses to survey questions to better serve you.

Personal information that is collected at our website for instance when you check out with your on line order, subscribe to catalogues, email offers, contests, surveys, program offers or on line chat; this information is not shared outside of the company with the exception of shipping and completing payment transactions. Information is only collected to pre-process your on line order, open an on line account, provide customer service, include you in surveys and contests. When you visit this web site, we track usage, viewing navigational patterns, traffic and other similiar information to help us improve our site and purchase decisions. We do not sell, trade online customer email addresses to any outside agencies, we do occasionally send out email campaigns to our customers to notify them of specials and promotions.

This web site has the following types of security measures: limited access data-centers, firewall technology, and secure-socket-layer (SSL) certificate authentication. SSL is encryption technology that provides security for information thats transmitted over the internet. This site accepts orders only from Web browsers that permit communication through SSL technology-for example, Internet Explorer (version 6.0 or higher), Firefox (version 3.0 or higher), Safari (version 4 or higher), Chrome (version 2 or higher), and 100% security in not always possible.

Private Policy updated: May 1, 2012

Elio Importing Ltd. Italian Food Importers

Importing fine Italian foods, both traditional Italian food and modern Italian foods. Elio Importing providing your neighborhood Italian Grocery store's and Italian Bakery's with traditional Italian products.

Fine Gelato and Patisserie Line, Elenka from Palermo Italy available through Elio Importing Ltd. Fine Italian Foods.

Contact: or 905-738-0646 or speak with our virtual attendant.