Elio Importing fine Italian Foods, introduces Alcas Italian gelato and patisserie containers. Elio Importing providing your neighborhood Italian Gelaterian and Italian Patisserie Bakery with traditional Italian Alcas Gelato and Patisserie container products. Confectionery Products.

Fine Gelato and Patisserie Line, Elenka from Palermo Italy available through Elio Importing Ltd. Fine Italian Foods.

Elio Importing Ltd. 905-738-0646


Busta Gelato Ice-Bag Piccola

Busta Gelato Italian Ice-cream Ice-Bag Piccola

Size:35 x 22

100 pieces per case

Busta Gelato Ice-Bag Media

Busta Gelato Italian Ice cream Ice-Bag Media Size: 41 x 24

100 pieces per case

Busta Gelato Ice-Bag Grande

Busta Gelato Italian Ice cream Ice-Bag Grande

Size: 52 x 27

100 pieces per case

Busta Thermal Bag Looney Tunes

Busta Thermal Bag Looney Tunes Ice Bag to Go keep cold Gelato

Piccola-35 X 22 -Qty 100

Media-41 x 24 - Qty 100

Grande-52 x 27 - Qty 100

Looney Tune T-Shirt

Looney Tune matching T-Shirt a must have for all Gelato Specialties

Oh Oh Mi E semBlato Di Vedele un gelato